I dont understand this joke?
where is the funny part?
hello i always figured this would never happen to me but my
heart is having serious issuses do to a birth defect (i was born with a hole
in my heart)and need money to have the surgery to get the hole fix so i am
asking for donations to help with the cost since i dont have insurance so if
you have a paypal account please look into your heart and donate a dollar or
two my paypal emial is ***@msn.com i need around 20,000 dollars usd
to have the surgery done. This is my last resort for money i have tried
goverment agencies family and friends and to my dissapointment nothing
happened SO PLEASE I NEED HELP thank you so much mike collins
I don't think you will find many people with a hole in their head.
50% of all statistics are wrong. The rest don't matter.
Clyde Crashcup